Tuesday, 28 April 2009

Movie Review: Body of Lies

As far as thrillers go, straight off the bat, this is a pretty classy one. I'm a big fan of these newer, political/war/secret service thrillers, so it really touches on my love of the genre, but despite excellent cast and direction, the story falls a little short when the movie should reach its boiling point.

Body of Lies is a political-espionage thriller, which means you're going to see a lot of the swooping in-and-out satellite camera footage that studios love so much these days. Its a great effect, and fortunately with the spacing between every swoop is just enough so that it doesn't get tired.

As for the cast, Leonardo DiCaprio gives another one of his better performances. Since he decided to make better movies than Titanic, I seem to have seen him in a new light. Gone is the sad-sack of his younger days, parading round steamboats and fairly wild interpretations of Shakespeare plays, in are the deep mercenary types, and the undercover cops with Bostonian accents. Its a real transformation. In Body of Lies he portrays a young, but experienced government agent, but unlike most movies, his character makes mistakes, he gets hurt, and he gets emotional. Hes not perfect, and that's what makes the character great. The second blockbuster performance is by the the irascible Russel Crowe, playing the aged, homebound CIA type. The juxtaposition between him talking international security and taking his kids home from school serves to give his character a very powerful feel.

The film progresses in leaps and bounds, which is good, considering the 2 hour 40 mins run time, but youll find there is an occasional full stop where there will be neither action nor excitement, not compelling dialogue. Many times during the movie I switched off, deciding that fiddling with my shirt was more productive. If youre an easily bored person, you might want to stay away from this movie.

All in all, a polished movie, but it needs a few more goings over with the buffer.

Hey-O, Pancakes

Morning, sports fans. Whilst you enjoy your morning treats of delicious syrup drenched pastry, I thought I'd take some time and mention some of my most favorite things in the world. Boy they are swell.

Winchester Journalism
Winchester MA Journalism
Winchester BA Journalism
Winchester International Journalism
Winchester Studios and Facilities
Winchester Lecturers

Gee whiz.

No joke though, check them out. I couldn't be doing this without such a great establishment putting the wind in the sails of my writing.

There's some OBAMASPEAK for you.


Court: Big Place, Tiny People

Well, there we go. There were no council meetings. Seems I should have listened to Ms. Murray after all, and for that I apologize. I did however get a chance to visit the courts once again, for that slice of reporting action that I crave so very much, so very often. Seriously, its like a drug.

Anyway, the experience started like any other experience involving court reporting. I got dressed up in my finery, or...tie and shirt, and toddled on down to the court like a good little soldier of the fourth estate. The court was just as imposing as I remember it, with the security guards looking down at me with their scarily broad shoulders, and the people wearing wigs, even though they don't need to! There's a strange sort of madness abroad in those halls I tell you.

Anyway, I immediately deviated towards the reception. "What cases have you got in the courts today?" I ask.
"Well, we've got a rape in court 1." she replies.
"Oh good!" I reply. Sometimes I think that a constant flow of bad news has tainted me, like a water supply, but then I quickly quell that thought.

When I went into court 1, I suddenly realized that I might be a bit in over my head at this stage in the game, considering the sheer caliber of journalism that graced the press box during this very controversial of cases. People from the Times and such.

The details of the case is as follows:

Peter Bacon, 26, was being accused of the rape of a 45 year old solicitor in her house in Kent. During the case, several character witnesses were brought forward, all giving glowing reports of Mr. Bacon's gentlemanly persona, and generally niceness towards members of both the opposite and same sex. The three witnesses, who all work with Mr. Bacon, used phrases like "genuine" and team player" when describing his character, whilst a fourth statement issued by his ex-girlfriend Emma Anderson, was glowing, explaining how he "respected wishes and boundaries" and calling him one of her "closest friends".

Since my visit to the court, the case has been dropped, with the jury of seven women and four men taking 45 minutes to label Bacon not guilty. Questions have been asked as to why the case, which cost the taxpayer and estimated £90,000, was followed through, considering the substantial amount of evidence leading towards Bacon's innocence.

The 45 year old woman who raised the charges described herself as a "casual binge-drinker" claimed that on the night of the suspected rape, was "too drunk to remember consenting to sex".

Thus endeth the copy.

Well, in my opinion, this is a "tricky grey area". Its one thing to say that "she was giving me the come-on" and its another thing entirely to have taken advantage. The true fact is that only one person there is capable of remembering what happened, and that was Mr. Bacon. And no ones going to admit to rape. Certainly not one accused of it.

Thursday, 23 April 2009

Drinks with Luke

The Luke Garratt Drinking Game!

Fun for all the family (including the children*)

Take a drink every time Luke:

  • Touches his face
  • Runs his hands through his hair
  • Moves his hands from his pockets to his chest, to his pockets and so on.
  • Takes a drink
  • Talks about Lunch/Food/Eating
Take a drink every time Luke says:

  • "Delicious"
  • "Ridiculous"
  • "Incredible"
  • "Oh Yeah"
  • "Good News"
*If children get addicted, Its not my fault, Its theirs. No takebacks.

The End.